Study: features
5" x 5"
oil on gessoed paper
The eyes at an angle, looking into light, posed a challenge. How to keep them properly shadowed and in the socket, yet feel illuminated and wet, all within a relatively narrow value range. Like most painters I know, I've spent a good deal of my life studying the works of others - past masters like John Singer Sargent and John White Alexander, or contemporary painters like Burton Silverman or Jeremy Lipking --wondering about paint handling and mediums, light direction, the colors in shadows, and what gives a particular painting life. In the end, it isn't until I tuck the mental analysis away and just paint that things begin to come together.
Thanks to my first blog followers, things are looking up!
Beautiful job with the eyes, Liz!
You definitely captured all of the subtle nuances that make up the eye. Well done!
I'm so glad you stopped by the Art for the Animals blog so I can follow the breadcrumbs back to your jewel of a site. I love your work!
If you go to my other blog, you'll see why I love faces too! You're fantastic.
Very nice portraits (including the sweet pup and the glowing rose)!
I was also a big fan of Burt Silverman; as a young art school student I used to copy paintings out of his book for practice (also Daniel Greene's and Sargent's books).
Welcome to the 'blog party'; I look forward to being inspired by your work!
I just found your blog and love this features study... Absolutely GORGEOUS!
I look forward to coming back!
Thank you so much, r. and Marian. High praise coming from both of you. I appreciate it.
r. - I check your blog regularly for painting and photoshop advice
Marian - I'm happy to make your acquaintance, too. Your "Dreaming of Sugarplums" is a beaut!
I'm not sure how I missed these, but I scrolled down and found your wonderful little "close ups!" What a great idea, plus the fact that you did a great job of painting and composing. These eyes are particularly beautiful.
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