18 x 22"
soft pastel
Rough day. I eventually got to the studio, painted for two hours, and wiped it out. I know it happens, but I still find it distressing. My hat's off to all of the daily painters who paint so beautifully, and so quickly. I'm posting a pastel study that's preparatory for a larger oil. This is my mom, who lives with me. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's three years ago. I've finally taken leave from teaching art at the community college to care for her full time. Each day brings a new challenge. Some days I just feel flattened. And at a loss for words. : -)
Lovely painting of your mom. Sorry to hear what you are both going though ... but you are a wonderful daughter!
I also absolutely love the watercolor rose painting below! WOW!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Glad I found you too!
What a loving portrait of your mother, Liz. You are an excellent portrait painter and, well, an excellent painter period.
I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, you are a wonderful daughter.
I feel that this painting intermingles the spirit of your mom with your spirit. It is very well done and heartfelt.
You are a good daughter in taking care of her. You will never regret that you did.
Know that you are in my prayers.
Hi Liz,
You are wonderful to take care of your mom! I know the challenges of this disease because my grandmother had it and now my aunt suffers with it.
My heart goes out to you!
The painting you did of your mom is lovely!
You're not alone-- there's other artists among us in your situation (myself-- with my mother-in-law, and Cyndi Carstens, with her mother, for starters). Some days ARE flattening (I like your term for it)-- but some days there are small victories. Hope you have a good moment today.
The painting is really lovely.
Hugs to Liz...
There will be days like this interspersed with bits of knowing that this is the right thing to do. Remember that there is a whole community of friends here for you whenever you need to do that healthy venting when you need it.
more hugs!
I love the title and the composition of your study.
Please check out my blog. I have something for you.
Liz, your painting of your mother is lovely. There is such a quiet, serene look on her face that says she is well cared for and loved. As difficult as the decision was to take a leave from teaching, know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You and your mother are included in my prayers. Take care.
Thank you all. I am overwhelmed by your kindness.
Leslie, Edward, Cathyann, Dean, Manon, r., Sheila, Angela--your understanding words and prayers mean more than I can say. Thank you.
Hi Liz,
Your work is amazing. It's wonderful to be able to do a painting of your mom. That is your gift from God.
Hi Liz,
A lot is said in the two word title of your post. My heart and prayers go out to you.
Such a soft and lovely painting of your mother.
Thank you Joan and Michelle. I appreciate your thoughts.
OMG..I am reading and crying at the same time.
My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers a year ago. We knew about it 3 or 4 years ago but she refused to see a Dr.
You are an angel giving up teaching and care for her.She is a blessed person to have you with her.
Big hug and plz :)
thank you, Irit, and my sympathies to you, too.
your work is beautiful Liz! This is a touching portrait of your mother too. I could tell right away that this was someone you cared about. Lovely!
Thank you so much, Kim.
Liz, You have capture such a beautiful moment. Please know that you are in my prayers. You are to be praised. Much love.
Thank you so much dominque, and thanks for visiting my blog.
Lokks like a lovely moment...my grandparents had Alzheimer's too.
~Blessings & happy Spring to you*
thanks Lenorenevermore. Am sorry to hear about your grandparents. What a fab blog you have! Thanks for visiting.
I've liked very much your portraits. That of your mother specially. It has a special light.
Espero que consigas fuerza de tu arte para seguir adelante.
Un saludo.
Thank you NoNo for your kind comments, and for visiting my site.
Liz, My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry you are bearing this burden on your whole being for now. You are being faithful and strong and will be blessed for it. Take comfort in that!
You sacrificial love will shape your character forever.
This painting transforms portraiture.
It captures her "lost" spirit. She is so peaceful, but in another place already. All this is there in this painting. Such courage you have displayed in painting this truth - a truly inspired painting.
Hugs and prayers to you.
Dear Marilyn - thank you so much for your kindness and prayers. I appreciate it.
I was touched by this posting as my mother also died after senile dementia set in while in her mid 70s. It is so upsetting but she was always smiling and happy, in another place, as another comment has said. This painting is beautiful and a lovely homage to your Mum.
Thank you Carolann. I'm sorry for your loss.
My dad has Alzheimer's also...and this portrait of your mom captures that "far away" look they all have. My heart aches for you. Cherish the parts of your mom you still have...her sweet hands which you can hold. Thank you for your honesty. Take it one day at a time so you don't get too overwhelmed. I sit here right now and pray that Jesus fills you strength and compassion beyond measure, that He will comfort you in a fresh and surprising way each day!
Thank you so much, Lee for your kind thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it. hugs.
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