Trixie, o/c, 8 x 10"
I've heard the definition of insanity is endlessly repeating the same action while expecting a different result. Every day I'd darken Trixie, and then lighten her up. Then darken, then lighten. I'm not sure I've got it yet, but I've got to stop. My hope is that in the time it's taken me to paint this, sweet Trixie has been adopted! This painting is a donation for the the Prince George's County SPCA/Humane Society, and my first submission to The Art for Animals Project.

Thank you to Sara Winters for sending me the Passionate Painting Award. Please check out Sara's blog and see the magic she creates with a limited palette of 4 colors. She is an inspiration.
My 7 loves and passionate painting rules are listed on my March 25th post. I will name a few additional artists who inspire me:
As always, if you've just received this, or are "tagged out," no worries!