20 x 24"
Acrylic on BFK Rives
Huge thanks to all of you who've e-mailed and checked in to see if I'm still breathing. My computer and painting time has been limited lately, so I'm posting a few of the abstracts I painted earlier this year. I feel rather tender about these. They're out of my comfort zone, but sheer fun to paint. Anyway, here's the first.
Good news: I do have help with Mom now three days a week. An enormous relief. Bad news: she's getting up more often during the night, and I spring up from a sound sleep to intercept her in the hall. Recently she was dressed head to toe in black at 3 am, full makeup and jewelry on, hair coiffed, ready to head outside. She looked like an exotic cat burglar. Baffling since she needs help dressing during daylight hours. I'll see the humor in all of this one day when I'm not so sleepy.
Many thanks to the multi-talented Jala Pfaff and to uber blogger Mi for passing along two blog awards.
I have figured you have been busy, knowing just a little of this! Nice abstract!!! Missed you!
We have been missing you, Liz...
Lovely colors!What did you have in mind while painting this?
I hope we will see a few more of these Liz. Im sure abstract paintings could be quite relaxing for you when you have the time. This has a lovely glow to it.
Hi Liz!
I missed you! I wondered what you were up to!
This piece is wonderful! Love the colors that you used!!
Glad you got a little help with your mom! Didn't want to laugh but I found it amusing that she gussied herself up in the middle of the night.
Thanks Sandra and Arti!
Ramesh- I was thinking of my dogs mostly, who are playful, sometimes frenzied, warm, always loving.
Hi, Sam - it is a good way to work out some issues (art and otherwise).
Hi Cathyann - thanks for staying in touch. big hugs back.
Thanks Manon. Life's a trip these days, no question!
this painting is wonderfull !!
there are so much dimentions on all these colours...
good to see you back Liz !!
have a nice week !
As I've told you before, I think your abstracts are stunning! I hope you continue to share more of them on your blog.
Thanks, Anthony!
Hi, Caio - I appreciate it. Good to be back. :-)
Thanks Pam. I'll put a few more up soon. They've been a bear to photograph and color correct.
Lovely painting Liz, I adore the colors! :-)
We all missed you. So happy you posted this abstract. I love the colors. Glad to hear you have some help with your mom. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
I love abstracts that have some substance to them and really great colour combinations -- and am especially drawn to great paintings in colours I don't normally like (like red). This is absolutely stunning, Liz.
Dear Liz,
Good to have you back.
I was "away" too bz with kids and grandkids.
Love your painting!Red is my color.
Great painting Liz!
The story about your mom made me smile, take care.
Love your abstract, they are as great as your realistic work. You sound like a very busy lady, hope you will now find time to paint and have time for yourself.
seeinga new post from you made me smile .. glad you are getting some help and i just founda new book called learning to speak alzheimers.. supossed to help with the day to day struggles, by looking at things a bit diffrently.. and adding lots of laughter.. but cant find time to read.. lol guess sleeping is going to hve to be removed from my day.. to make room..
big hugs .. oh yes' love the abstract.. what a great way to just relax and play!!
Beautiful painting, Liz - wonderful colors. I'm glad that you have some help with your mother. We missed you.
this is beautiful, it made me smile and i hope you don't mind me saying it looks like a jolly elephant with jolly riders on it. just ignore me...r.
Thanks for the peace wish on my blog. I really like your abstracts - refreshing and colorful. (I find if I try to nap even for 5 or 10 minutes during the day - which I guess isn't really napping, just closing my eyes - I feel much better.) It is hard to find time to paint when you are chasing your mom around, I know. I think of you often and find comfort knowing I have friends who are going through similar challenges.
Hope you have a good day and can find some time to paint a little. Cyndy
Liz, this abstract is just gorgeous, and I love the colors. Makes me happy just looking at it!
I'm so glad to hear you are having some help during the day, and sorry that it's been tough at night.
Liz I am so happy to see you back.
I love the story of the beautiful cat burgler.
Lovely to see you Liz. I absolutely love the painting...so bold and happy. Someday I will be brave enough to try abstracts.
Glad you've got some help with your Mom, but sorry to hear your getting less sleep. :(
well that is a fascinating way to find your Mom in the hall--as an exotic cat burglar! I just met another artist who took care of her Mom with Alzheimer's. She said the time was truly a gift--though she often wasn't so sure of that!
Love the red painting and hope you can paint "live" again soon. :)
I haven't seen any of your abstract work so this is quite a treat...really energetic and wonderful.
My heart goes out to you Liz. I know how heartbreaking it can be to watch a loved one deteriorate. So glad you can have a sense of humor about it (and the cat burglar image is really funny). So glad to hear you have some help now and I hope you are getting some much needed rest. ((((HUGs)))
Hi Liz!
Good to see you back! The abstract is amazing, so vibrant!
I'm glad things are going better with your mom, and that at the end it feels as if you're getting more and more patience (less rest though). You'll be rewarded...
Best regards,
I love the red energy Liz.
I'm sorry about your mom. You are a good daughter and I know God is smiling down on you.
Hi Liz,
This painting is spectacular. I actually sat here going "Oh My God!"
as I stared at it. WOWOWOWEEE! Over
the top wonderful.
Take care,
LIZ, I love this abstract. So vibrant. I'm happy to hear you have more help with Mom. Thank you for your kinds words also. Blessings to you and your mom.
So good to see you back and what a WOW painting!
Liz, this is beautiful!
it's a great day when there's a new Work of Liz's out there!
peace & blessings to you and your Mom. we are with you, and you are so loved~
Hi Liz, the technicolor quality of this painting really draws me in. And I am glad you are now getting help with your Mom.
Take care, Liz
Glad to see you back, and also to hear you now have help with your mom. You can't do everything by yourself.
And I LOVE the joy and life in this painting!!
glad to hear things are improving liz
your abstract is certainly full of life!
Liz, you inspire me in so many ways. Like Maggie was saying, you are a great daughter! HUGS galore!
Great painting. I would love to see more of your abstracts. I hope your situation continues to improve.
It's good to see you still posting even if it is an older piece.
The reds and blues are striking together. I swear I think I see some kind of primitive animal in this abstract painting!
Glad to hear you have some help with your mom. I hope things continue to run more and more smoothly for the both of you!
Keep us updated!
Welcome back Liz
I missed your paintings,glad you start posting your beautiful painting again.
Hope your MOM will be well again
Thanks, Kathleen- love your new painting of Cloud
Joan - thanks for your kind words. I appreciate it.
Charlene - high praise. thank you so much! :-)
Dear Irit - back at you! glad you had fun w/your grandkids :-)
Thank you, Dana. It's good to be back.
Thanks, Diana. I appreciate your kindness. That's my wish, too!
Hi, Cindi- had to laugh at your not having time to read the Alzheimer's book. I also have pamphlets and reading material stacked up 'for the caregiver' that I can't get to. I'd rather paint (or sleep) in my spare moments.
Thank you, Edward! I've missed all of you, too. :-)
Dear Rahina - I like your interpretation!
Cyndy- thank you so much. I'll try the quick naps. (I may be nodding off and not even know it at this point!) lol
Mona - Thanks so much! I'm glad happiness is coming through in this. I appreciate your comments always.
Thanks, Renee :- D
Hi, Michelle- many thanks. re: abstracts - just go for it. I'm learning so much from doing them, and I think it's helped my representational painting, too.
Thanks, Celeste- I know there's a gift in the situation somewhere, but I'm still unwrapping.... :-)
I think of John Haugse's wonderful book so often. Thanks again for the intro!
Hi, Gwen - many thank and big hugs back!
Dear Carolina - finding more patience would be a definite blessing! thanks for your encouragement! :-)
Thank you, Maggie. I hope you're right. :-)
Barbara! You've made my day with a wowoweee! Thank you.
Incredibly nice of you Nancy. Thank you so much.
Abstracts were out of my realm, too, but I love
painting them.
Dominique - thank you. I so appreciate your support.
Hi, Liz - Thanks. Great to be back. I love your latest pup paintings.
Chuck! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Congratulations on your book! Very exciting.
Thank you, Liz. Technicolor's a good word.
Deb, Hi! Good to see you. I'm learning that lesson the hard way. lol!
Thanks, Rob!
Thanks, and Right back at you, Camille!
William - thank you. I'll post some more. The abstracts have been a bear to photograph for some reason.
Dean! good to see you. I think there's reference to animal and spirit in here somewhere. I feels primal to me too. thanks for your kind words. Mom really likes her "new friend" (nurse).
Hi, Riad - thanks for your kind words, and for visiting. I'll be happy if mom holds her own a little longer.
Liz - If you get any free time for coffee, or to do some plein air painting together, give me a buzz! I'm glad you are finding some free time....I hope you catch up on that sleep soon!
Hi, Deb - the 'sitter' is on vacation for 2 weeks, but after that!
Unbelievable Liz! Sleep deprivation on many levels no doubt. Not only are you a great artist, but a great/caring daughter. Strength to you while surmounting your obstacles~ the canvas and your friends will be there for you when you do! ~Namaste
Liz, so good to see you posting and that you have some help with your mother. You have been missed!
Liz..bless you and your Mom.
The abstract piece looks great. I have attempted one or two, but could never pull them off.
Great abstract.
Liz, it's wonderful to see your work again even if it was painted a while ago. I hope to see more! I can only imagine how spectacular this abstract looks in person!
Glad to hear of the little bit of help you are getting with your Mom. God bless you......
Hi Liz, this is an exciting piece. I would enjoy seeing those layered and glowing passages in person.
I'm glad you know Cyndy C. I'm fascinated by her meditative waiting room masterpieces. I think we can all be inspired to let our artwork express, release, and otherwise cope with difficulty. Take care.
Liz, let me add my voice to this tide of well-wishers! Great piece. The color and texture pulled me right in. It has an ancient feel to it. It makes me think of the cliff dwellers in the Southwest. Also, thank you for your lovely comments on my blog.
Tom - many thanks for your encouraging words, friend.
Thanks so much, Ann. I appreciate your visits.
Dean - thank you. my first ones were miserable failures. I'm still working them out, just enjoying the process more.
Karen - thanks.
Hi, Marilyn - honestly, the abstracts have been tough to photograph and color correct. There is much more nuance to them than comes through in the photo. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
Hi, Dar - thanks for your kindness. Well said. I think our art does reflect our inner worlds, struggles, thoughts, joys...how can it not. Cyndy's intricate pieces are fascinating.
Don! Thanks so much for your visit and well-wishes. I appreciate it. I love your take on the painting.
gracias por tu comentario =)
ten un buen dia
gracias Bler!
How I would like to see this painting up close and personal! Lots of texture dancing with the bold color! Please post more of your abstracts! Don't you love the BFK Rives paper? So happy to hear you have help with your mother now. Love the cat burglar story! God bless both of you!
Hi Liz,Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.I hope you will visit my space more often now when you now where to find me:)
Love the Red Hot and Blue!!!
Kind Regards
Agnes Elliza
I love the way you find humour in adversity, you did make me laugh with the cat burglar bit!
Very striking painting Liz, I'm not one for abstracts but you nailed the colour and intensity in this and I really like it.
Right ... off to comment on another one of yours now ;-)
Hey Liz, Great to hear you're hanging in there. This is a great abstract (what can't you do!) Looking forward to seeing your other abstracts.
Hi Liz. I guess that I've been dozing (what's new?) - missed your post of almost a week ago!
I like your abstract - what is it? (a joke!) My Mom painted abstracts into her 90s and our family could/would often push her button big time by asking what the subject of her abstracts was?
Good to "see" you posting again. Talk to ya later! :-)
Ken B.
Thanks, Rosemary - I do love BFK Rives - for pastel, acrylics, charcoal, and gessoed for oils. It's a miracle sheet.
Thank you, Agnes :-)
Thanks for visiting, Paul.
Hi, Douglas - plenty I can't do. am just loving exploring new realms.
Hi, Ken - you always make me smile! Thanks. You know I catch myself wondering what "it is" when I paint the abstracts. Or inventing stories and narratives to go with them. But then I do that with my representational work, too. It's ingrained.
good to see you out and about.
Nice colors Nice abstract. That would sure be out of my comfort zone.
God bless and Happy painting.
Dear Liz I hope all is well with you and your Mom.
Hi Liz,
Just came back from my long vacation. I see you became a light sleeper! I am glad you have some more help. When possible paint, it will rest your mind. Wishing the best for You and Mum, your friend,
Congratulations on the awards! And good luck with your mom. I know it's difficult...
You at least have sense of humor about your mama's situation. So difficult.
These paintings are wonderful, Liz.
yoooooo hoooooooo put up another abstract ...we're waiting
Love this Liz. Your mom is keeping you on your toes isn't she. Hugs to you both. <3
Liz, this is amazing and gorgeous!! I wanna see more abstracts from you!
It must be so hard with your mom... Do try to smile, though, at "exotic cat burglar."
Take care.
Liz...Wow pretty much sums up my reaction to your abstract. I hope you aren't gonna be a one hit wonder with this technique. Loved it. The color, composition, everything is really super. Share some more of your abstract talents with us when you have time.
Jim Rogers
Love this and I agree creating abstracts is not always as easy as they appear!
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