22 x 28"
Charcoal on BFK Rives
When I left the corporate publishing world to paint and sail, I hadn't anticipated the initial isolation of the freelancer's life, or the pitfalls of my naive lack of a plan. I still had my friends at National Geographic, but, heck, they were working! I'd divorced, moved farther from the bustle of D.C. to the relatively quiet town of Frederick, Maryland, and wondered if I hadn't made the biggest mistake of my life. In a scramble to make ends meet, I painted murals, did faux finishing, worked for a florist, served for a catering company, sold art at local fairs, cleaned houses, and delivered a sailboat from Grenada. One of the first artists I met in Frederick was Andrea Burchette. I signed up for her watercolor class, expecting to brush up on my skills, and perhaps make a few pretty paintings. We started out painting dead bugs in sumi-e ink, and ended with Itten, and full color theory. Concepts I had learned in college finally made sense. Inspirational, spiritual, thoughtful, intensely present, Andrea has that gift of empowering people to be better. I've been through many critique sessions over the years, and hers were revelatory-- always respectful, and astute. When she was unable to continue teaching her classes at Montgomery College, and Frederick Community College, she recommended my name, and bolstered me through my new instructor jitters when I was hired. I would not have made it through some of the challenges of the past 10 years without her friendship and mentorship. I snapped reference photos for the portrait in her Church Street studio just before she and her husband packed up and retired to Southport, N.C.
Do you have, or did you have a mentor who's helped you in your painting career?