Fox Tales
6" x 6"
Mixed Media |
I've joined
Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. Day One. My intent is to work out some new ideas in small sketch form, and to take larger pieces that I've been working on over the course of a year, and finish them in a day. This is a departure from my normal work. I thought the speed of the challenge would prompt me to pursue some concepts without continuing to mull over them for - oh, well months ;)
Happy New Year!
love this one too Liz! You always seem to have such remarkable versatility. How do you do that I wonder, and what is this one about in particular if there is an actual story connected to it perhaps?
Thank you, Mona! This started as an experiment with texture, and then took on a life of its own. There is a story here about the fox/huntsman. I don't know if the fox is spinning a tale or if fallen huntsmen return to life as foxes. Or both :) Mostly its about the magic and energy in the field and thicket at dawn.
This piece is very light, airy and enchanting. Wonderful work.
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