detail, journal cover, acrylic on Rives BFK
A new year, and a new project takes flight. Friend and fellow blogger Dominique Eichi has launched an invitational art journal swap. We're a baker's dozen from the U.S., U.K. and Canada who will be passing our Moleskine (or other) art journals of varying themes to one another each month until everyone has a painting or sketch from everyone else. Please visit the new Flying Moleskins* blog that Dominique has started to track our progress.
Here is my home-made journal pack containing loose sheets (as yet unbound) that is currently in flight to Adebanji Alade in England. My theme is portraits of any sort- people, animals, trees, flowers, houses...well, you get the picture!
* I've learned that the originals were actually mole skins (oh dear) and were spelled without the final 'e' that today's trademarked journals contain.

journal pack front

journal pack, back
Bon Voyage!
Liz you should get a Blue Ribbon for your book.... mine is sadly so plain right now, it's hiding itself under the coffee table in shame.
I love this project because you just showed everyone, what a wonderful children's book illustrator you are with a touch of Martha Stewart ingenuity!
this post is incredible !
i am going to click the links now !!
see you Liz !
Ooooh! What a fun project!!! I can't wait to follow it!!
I looooove your piece! I used to work in Moleskin's all the time until the molding paste got to much for them!!
I love it, Liz! Wonderful illustration.
I'm so glad to see a new post on your blog, you have no idea :)
What a beautiful illustration! (And a great idea from Dominique, too. I'll go check her blog...)
Best regards,
Thanks, Sheila - you're funny...I had glue up to my elbows. No Martha here. lol.
Hi, Caio - thanks for following Flying Moleskins. :-D
Manon - fun so far. wish you were flying, too, journal queen.
Thanks, Edward!
Hi, Carolina - thank you. Me,too! Happy 1-year blog birthday to you!
Cool project. I'm glad for whatever gets you painting and creating- I'm a huge fan.
Sounds like a cool project. I love what you've done so far. -Don
What a fun painting perfect for the project!!
What a fun project, Liz! Aviator Mole is perfect. I'll be folowing the art journal blog.
Very nice painting and a cool idea. Love all those stamps.
Liz, Hope this project can bring some joy into your life right now. My thoughts to you, and your mom.
Thanks, Cathyann and Sue - me,too! :-D
Don and Akiko - many thanks.
Candy - aviator mole! I love it. thanks.
Thanks, Bill - I had a blast researching the stamps. The vintage ones are so beautiful from around the world.
Thanks so much, Pam. Am looking forward to this project. appreciate your good thoughts.
Love your flying mole!! This should be great fun!
Liz, what a great project! You've done a nice job of making your mole look cute. Our dog is always digging up moles from our yard, and I think moles are anything but cute.
Thanks for the comment on my blog.
Yeah - great idea and really nice drewing. Sounds like a blast.
I love it Liz it is going to be something.
This sounds like a really fun project. It is always great to start a new and exciting project.
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog.
Hi Liz!
I love the traveling journal idea. Is it okay if I steal it? Love your flying moleskin, and I am delighted to see you, back in blogland.
Happy New year!
What a wonderful project!! and love your flying mole idea!
Great journal. love the flying moleskin.
Thanks for checking in on my journal. I will be posting more about Tyvek -- in the midst of a workshop in which I am using it for some of the work, so not much time.
charming little traveling mole! I am glad you are involved and I will be watching what happens next!
Great idea Liz, sound slike a great project-love your journal!
How awesome is this?! It is wonderful to see you active and bright-eyed! I love the cover too!
Hi Liz - Thanks for your comment on my Tiger Lily painting. I enjoy your paintings especially of animals! Cheers! - Bethany
wishing you all the best with the new project and blog Liz:) r.
What fun Liz! You are off to a great start, and I hope this year is a wonderful one for you!!
What a great concept. Wonderful idea. Have a great new year.
Thanks for visiting and following my blog.
I love how much variety your style has - no ruts for you! Great work!
Hi Liz,
We are all so happy to see you working again. Can't wait to see more from you. You are an inspiration.
Very cool painting. Love the journal too!
very interesting project. Will have to keep tabs on it and see where it flies.
Aha, Liz...your little Mole Ace appears ready to take on the palette pilots. Your first assignment is winging its way to you and should be taxiing up your driveway by Friday morning.
Thanks, Dean :-D
Hi, Rob - I actually had to look up moles! I don't think I'd want my pups bringing me one, that's for sure. Dead squirrels are bad enough. ack.
Gary -thanks for visiting.
Thanks, Renee and Carol...should be fun!
Hey, Karine! Thank you. it's good to be back. sorry it's been so long between visits.
Thanks for your visit, Priti.
Hi, Mary, thank you. I'll check back about the Tyvek. very interesting.
Thanks for following the moleskins project, too, Celeste! appreciate it.
Thank you, Sam!
Hi, Cyndy - don't know how bright-eyed i am, but i'm looking forward to a fun project, no question!
tty soon :-D
Thank you so much, Bethany. I appreciate your visit and comments.
Hi, Rahina - thanks for your visit and good wishes. Back at you, my friend!
Hi, Deb - for you, too. Good luck w/all of your ventures. You're one busy lady.
Becky, thank you so much! Happy New Year.
Thanks for your kind comments, Tres, and for looking so closely. I appreciate it.
Hi, Joan - thanks...it does feel good to be working again.
Hi, Ross - thank you so much. I appreciate your comments. :-D
Thanks, Gary. Good to see you always...here or there ;-) I appreciate your support.
Hi, James! Can't wait for the mail tomorrow. :-D
Liz, your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Hope to see more posts from you, and of course I love your blog visits and lovely comments. Know you all will have great fun with this new project, and it'll be fun to watch from the sidelines!
Hola Liz;
Pasé por tu blog; me encanta tu trabajo es muy artistico. He seguido tu blog muy silenciosamente y espero poder seguirlo revisando de continuo.
Un saludo afectuoso.
Thanks so much, Ann. The Moleskins project will give me more impetus. I appreciate your kindness!
Muchas gracias, Willy. Agradezco sus comentarios.
this is an awesome project--love your beginning efforts--good luck1
Wow, what a cool project. Sheila really hit it on the head with her comments.
Fun and fantastic work!
I am so envious of this project!I love the flying mole and the back of the package...how cool is that. I will have to see if I can initiate one of these shared projects. Thanks for the nice comment on the self-portrait Liz.
Wonderfully creative, Liz. Sounds like a really fun adventure!
Love the whimsical painting and the crafty genius in you to design such a clever moleskin
Excellent! I look forward to following this.
So cool!
Ew, real skin...it's like people who don't know what "vellum" actually is/was...
What a fantastic idea!!
That is going to be one AMAZING journal once everyone gets done with it!
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