Recently, three wonderful artists passed a few awards my way. Many thanks to Christine Regan and to Christine Pierce for sending the Kreativ Blogger award, and to Sandy Sandy for the Noblesse Oblige award. I am honored ladies.
Christine Regan is an emerging artist currently working in Delaware. Please check out her unique landscapes and abstract views of the DC metro system.
Also visit Christine Pierce , an artist from Oregon who works in multiple media--digital and hand--and creates truly joyful images.
The award entails linking back to the person who sent the award, listing 7 random things you love, and sending the award on.
I've recently posted my 7 loves, so will go straight to passing the award to these dedicated and Kreativ bloggers:

I've also received the Noblesse Oblige Award from Sandy Sandy, who authors several creative sites, and is a team member at the Art for Animals Project. While I'm not sure that my blog fits the parameters of this particular award, I am grateful and honored, Sandy. She sent this from her Inspiration Every Day blog, which is full of terrific quotes.
A Description of the Attributes this Award Recognizes:
1) The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2) The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3) There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture, Sciences or Beliefs.
4) The Blog is refreshing and creative.
5) The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
The Bloggers who receive this award will need to perform the following steps:
2) The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3) There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture, Sciences or Beliefs.
4) The Blog is refreshing and creative.
5) The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
The Bloggers who receive this award will need to perform the following steps:
1) Create a post with a mention and link to the blogger who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award to you.
2) The award conditions must be displayed in the post.
3) Write a short post about what your blog has thus far achieved.
4) The blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award to blogs in concurrence with the award conditions.
5) The blogger can display the award at any location on their blog.
2) The award conditions must be displayed in the post.
3) Write a short post about what your blog has thus far achieved.
4) The blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award to blogs in concurrence with the award conditions.
5) The blogger can display the award at any location on their blog.
I'm relatively new to blogging, and can only share what my blog has meant to me: It's allowed me to meet many kind, talented, funny and gracious people from all over the world.
I'd like to pass this award on to a few blogs that I turn to for inspiration, information, and admire for their community spirit. In addition to Art for the Animals, which has already received this award, please stop by...
As always, recipients--if you are tagged out, or don't participate in awards, no worries!
Happy creating everyone.
Thank you Liz, for the mention on your blog! I am so glad you like my paintings. I LOVE your work, which is why I had to give this award to you, although I just started following you. I will certainly keep an eye on your work. Congrats, and thanks again!
Well! Look at you, Miss Liz! Whooo doggies! Good things happen to good people. Congratulations on your two blogging awards. AND I thoroughly agree with your choice of "dedicated and Kreativ" bloggers. The Christines are pretty good too, by the way! :-)
Very heartfelt warmest regards,
Ken B.
Hey, Mr. Avocaken, how about us Noblesse Oblige recipients???(lol)
Congratulations, Liz!! You are both kreative AND(Benevolent and Honorable) which is what noblesse oblige means. (I had to google the meaning:)
You are also "very smart" for choosing moi:D
Thank you, thank you!! I am honored. I am also a poor choice since I don't follow rules, but I know that does not concern you since you are so refreshing:)
Thank YOU, Christine :-)
Hi, Ken. And thanks for the "rock." That makes me happy.
LOL. That's why you're a perfect choice, Nancy, 'cause you don't do Rules! A true creative spirit....
Hi Liz,
What a pleasant surprise!
I'm so honored to receive the Kreative award from you. I'm fairly new to the blogger-land and still trying to figure out bits and pieces.
Thank you so much!
And thank you for your nice comments on my posts.
I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your mom, but I'm sure she is happy and proud of you whenever you show her your paintings. So keep on painting for you and your mom!
Hey Liz,
Congrats on your awards and many thanks for mine! I'm honored!
BTW... you definitely deserve yours!!
Congratulations on the awards, Liz. They are well deserved. You inspire me and you know how much I love your work. Thanks too for your thoughtfulness in passing along an award my way. :)
Liz, congradulations on the well-deserved awards! Thank you for showering us all with your kindess! And thank you for the award for Following the Masters. Coming from you, I'm especially honored! :)
Congratulations Liz and well deserved.
Thanks, and you're most welcome, Peter, Ann and Michelle.
Hi,Trevor. Good to see you, and thank you.
Manon! Many thanks, and you, too :-)
I'm just starting to check the net and found your awards! Congratulations Liz, well deserved!
Liz, congratulations on your well deserved awards. You are by far the most giving friend to all of us! And what a surprise and an honor that you have named me with a Kreativ Blogger Award. Being so new to the blogger community, I had to do some "goggle-ing" to try to understand the next step. Thanks for your confidence and continued support.
Congratulations, Liz - well deserved!
Congradulations Liz on your awards. You really deserve them. Thanks aslo for the award you gave to me. That's my first blog award:)
Thanks for your kindness. I hope your doing great.
Congrats Liz!
Liz - Congratulations, you deserve it! I hope all is going well with you. Take care.
Thanks, Carolina!
Ann - you are very kind. And you're welcome.
thanks Edward, Dean and Angela.
Scott - you're welcome.
well deserved awards...I am new to you and have so much enjoyed paging page through your blog==what talent and heart! Thanks so much for these links too. I am always amazed by the generosity of artists. You are tops in all departments.
Hi Liz!
I think your paintings are beautiful! I cannot imagine how challenging it is to struggle taking care of your mother, especially when she no longer remembers your name. My heart goes out to you both. I am glad you shared your trials. It is important to have the courage to be honest in that way.
I am glad you stopped by my blog! thanks.
Thanks Celeste and Karine.
Thanks for leading us to so many good blogs, Liz! There should be an award jsut for that (Oh NO! Not another one...!)
( ;
Hi Liz,
I admire your courage, and congratulations on the award. Last year was a hard one for me, and I broke my ankle. The blog community really helped keep my soul on the positive side. I think that's vital.
Take care of yourself,
Thanks for your kind encouragement. Your art is great.
Take care,
Congrats about Timmi being adopted:) Such great news!!
thanks, R. (LOL. I know!)
Thank you Barb - and congrats on your Oprah broadcast!! fantastic.
Nancy - It is great news! Am very glad.
congratulations about the award . i love the way you paint .and care so much about animals is a confort to me.
Liz, Congrats on the awards.
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